Shadow Lane Farm
Please note: we follow all provincial Public Health guidelines as they relate to Covid-19, or any other health-related policies. Safety is our top priority (for humans and horses) and we will notify our riders of any changes that may affect lessons.
Help prevent potential spread of COVID-19 by practicing good respiratory hygiene. When you cough or sneeze, do so into a tissue; dispose of the tissue and wash your hands afterwards. If you do not have a tissue available, cough into your sleeve or elbow and use your hand sanitizer.
Face Masks
The use of community face mask (e.g., face coverings/homemade cloth masks) by asymptomatic people in the community may reduce the touching of the nose or mouth with contaminated hands, although one needs to take care to not touch the face as the mask is adjusted or when pulled on and off. Wearing a face mask can be a way of covering your mouth and nose to prevent respiratory droplets from contaminating others or landing on surfaces. Wearing a face mask is consistent with our recommendation to not cough into your hands and instead to cover your cough with tissues or your sleeve. The effectiveness of using community masks in the community to prevent infection has not been demonstrated. The use of a community mask must be in combination with proven effective hygiene and physical distancing measures. All riders and helpers must plan to wear masks whenever they cannot socially distance – everyone should bring their own masks with them.
Physical Distancing
To accommodate physical distancing, people must always try maintain a minimum distance of 2 meters, or 6 feet, between themselves and others at all times, with the exception of members of the same household or ‘bubble’. People must not congregate in groups. This may result in restrictions to how daily activities, business operations, and recreation occurs, but this intermediary step will help to keep our communities healthy. Adjustments and accommodations will be required to ensure physical distancing requirements continue to be met.
Hand Washing
Good handwashing practices are important to prevent disease transmission, especially during this current COVID-19 pandemic and as we move into the recovery phase. Everyone needs to ensure they are practicing proper hand hygiene. Proper handwashing requires regularly and thoroughly washing your hands with soap and water or minimum 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer.